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Is Your Business Intelligence Smarter Than You?
In a guest blog post for MITS, Andy examines what business intelligence really means. "What if the common definition of Business...

Transforming Analytics One Business at a Time with MITS' Business Integration Program
The three-tiered program is designed to "expand MITS' focus on helping distributors drive adoption and integration of analytics across...

Skimping on wifi is Bad for Business
Andy led a breakout session at the TUG Connects 2016 conference back in February, discussing why it's vital to not skimp out on warehouse...

Wasting Time Submitting Report Requests? There's a Better Way!
Banking has been automated. Paying tolls has been automated. And submitting report requests has too. With MITS, automated reporting has...

Inforum 2014
We'll be at Inforum 2014 in NOLA, September 15-18. Giving one presentation on TWL Best Practices/Tips and Tricks and hosting the TWL SIG...

If You're Not Using...Stay-Linked, You're Missing Out!
Deployment of a Telnet Emulator is made a cinch with Stay-Linked. All configurations are done on a small application installed on the...

If You're Not Using...TWL, You're Missing Out!
Inventory accuracy – barcode scanning, serial number barcode scanning. Errors on product nearly eliminated. Bin locating (you don’t have...

If You're Not, You're Missing Out!
Please contact us to discuss. The possibilities are amazing, the future, endless. Email, calendar, document saving and sharing (word,...
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