Time Management (or lack there of) is something that everyone struggles with. In our culture today people feel a sense of accomplishment when they list off all the tasks that they have to do in single day. Seemingly that the more stress you have the more successful you are. Being busy has become the new normal for everyday and everyone.
What ends up happening is that no matter the task there is a reason: I couldn't get "this" done because I am so busy doing "that." The excuses that we have are abundant in any situation and are simply accepted by our peers and friends.. What seems to be the truth of the matter is simply poor time management. So why not look at time management more closely? What are we doing with the same 24 hours in a day that everyone has?
Is there a tried and true system to manage all the tasks at hand?
I recently took some time out to really dig into ways to deal with this exact topic. My research led me to this group of Ted Talks that speaks to the need to create time management systems. Each one of these six presentations deals with various aspects of making a to do list, time off, meetings, mono-tasking, and dealing with stress.
For me the talk on making a to-do list hit home. I am a list maker. I can easily focus on the things I need to with a hand written list to go off. As I complete each task I cross them off and move to the next one. I learned that putting the tasks I easily push off to another day at the top of the list helps to ensure I complete them first and early in the day. This works for me and may not work for you.
How much work is accomplished in an eight hour day? It surely varies from person to person. The tasks that one person can complete are different than others can complete. Both people have the same eight hours. Simply put, some people work efficiently and focused while others are scattered and un-organized. By honing in on which time management system works for each individual we are offering the flexibility for each person to work to their greatest potential.
There is no "one size" fits all.
"Progress Demands Change" -Cheers! Sara