Hello 2019! I’m looking forward to another amazing year in this journey we call life. Creating experiences and relationships that generate happiness and fulfillment continues to be high on my priority list. I truly believe life is what YOU make it and have tried to impress this on my two teenage children as they face challenges in their young lives. If it’s not working or you are not happy, then change it!
I’m always looking for opportunities in my travels to experience anything the outdoors has to offer. One day, my wife and I hope to hike the Appalachian trail! Even when at home, we spend a great deal of time outside working in the yard, entertaining friends or cooking a variety of meats on the smoker or hearth that I designed and built myself.
From a young age, I was a builder and a kid who liked to figure out how things worked. In my early 20s, I determined my analytical mind and ability to fix things was a gift I needed capitalize on. I started my own service business, which later launched me into the distribution industry and translated into troubleshooting and “fixing” processes instead of machinery.
When the answer to “Why is it done this way?” is “This is how we have always done it.”, then it is time to change. Working with ASW allows me to continue to use my gift to create experiences and relationships that generate happiness and fulfillment for myself as well as our clients! Cheers Tony - Lead Consultant